Treat Yourself to the Health Benefits of Infrared with Pure Infra Saunas Indulge in the relaxation and detoxification benefits of infrared technology with peace of mind thanks to Pure Infra saunas. Our saunas boast the lowest electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and electrical field (EF) signatures of any infrared delivery system available—far below even the strict standards set by Sweden. Plus, our exclusive EvenHeat™ system ensures that your entire body is warmed evenly for added comfort and true total-body detoxification without the worry of overexposure to EMR and EF.
Sweat your way to a healthier and better you with a daily sauna session in a Pure Infra sauna. With the ambient temperature set to your own comfort level, the safest infrared waves penetrate deeply, warming your body inside and out. This allows for a comfortable and safe detoxification session that leaves you feeling stronger, healthier, and in better balance. The heat of the sauna helps to dilate your arteries, improving blood flow throughout your body and relaxing any tight or overworked muscles. It also stimulates the production of white blood cells, strengthening your immune system, and flushes out toxins through your skin’s pores. So, if you’re looking to improve your overall health, a sauna session is the way to go.
Infrared bathing is a safe, comfortable, and efficient way to detoxify and relieve aches, pains, and stress. With no need to wait for a sauna to heat up, you can enjoy its benefits anytime, anywhere. Moreover, it is an energy-efficient technology that uses as little electricity as other common household appliances. It is also a great investment for your family’s health, as it is suitable for both adults and children alike.